Hi there! I'm Kristin Noelle - Reiki Master, artist, writer, teacher, learner.
I seek to be a safe and grounded presence in the world, holding conscious tension between things we can feel and taste and touch and reason out, and things that are much less graspable, like intuition, and spirituality, and the mystery of how healing and transformation actually happen.
I want to be a bridge between these two worlds, talking honestly about my experiences with both sides in relatable language that finds resonance with people who are interested in spirituality and the "unseen" realms of spirit and energy, but also ambivalent about the world of people, websites, and healing modalities that takes spirituality and the "unseen" totally for granted.
We are swimming in mystery, and I feel curious and humble as I explore and talk about this.
I believe in magic, but not magic bullets. Most of the deepest, transformative magic I've seen in others and experienced personally has been the result of very mundane, unglamorous commitments to small, daily steps along a path that's headed in the desired direction. And the commitment to step back onto that path when the inevitable fears and rabbit trails distract us from it.
My Reiki training is in the Tibetan/Usui tradition. I welcome you to learn more about Reiki and the way that I practice it here.
When I'm not doing Reiki or creating other means of support at Sacred Loom, I'm caring for my teen-aged kids, walking my dog, talking into the night with my beloved, feeling sand and sea on my feet, daydreaming, folding laundry, making meals, cheering on my kid athletes, sharing tea and conversation with friends, and carving out time for stillness.
I'm delighted you're here and hope that our paths crossing at this time helps you - in some small or big way - reconnect with the sacredness that is you…that is the many pieces of your story…that is the process of learning and growing that life is leading you through.
With love and light,